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Alta Via Stage 8.

Monday 28th August 2023

Rifugio Vazzoler to Rifugio Capanna Trieste and
taxi to Rifugio San Sebastiano, Passo Duran


Initial Walk to "wash-out" point and return to Rifugio Vazzoler

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
1.9 0H57 0H30 (*) 95 95 1,627 1,716


(*) Best estimate


Although the tremendous storm and the Biblical rain had abated, we were not sure whether the trail would be passable. We started off down the mountain at 8 a.m. to check.


Thunder, lightening and biblical rain!






Very fast flowing water..... not good but just about passable



The second stream was much easier

Houston, we have a problem! This third stream was running wild, and there was no obvious place to cross.
If you lost your footing the force of the water would carry you away.

We decided to return to Rifugio Vazzoler and wait for a couple of hours.


Sitting it out

With a bit of ingenuity we soon had a sock drying thing going on.


Second attempt - 11-30 a.m.

Rifugio Vazzoler to Rifugio Capanna Trieste


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
4.55 1H28 1H10 (*) 19 598 1,138 1,722




Red dots show the intended route: blue dots show our route to Rifugio Capanna Trieste 1135m;
We took a taxi from Rifugio Capanna Trieste to Rifugio San Sebastiano at Passo Duran
Base map courtesy of Tabacco Maps

Looking much better



The torrent had gone as quickly as it arose










Waiting for the taxi

Our taxi at 2:40 p.m. from Rifugio Capanna Trieste

Arriving at Passo Duran, Rifugio San Sebastiano at 3-30 p.m. Four Australian walkers self-guiding
with Alpine Exploratory came with us.


Rifugio San Sebastiano


A nice log fire to welcome us.

An interesting fossil; supposedly mushrooms and edelweiss